Saturday, January 31, 2009

The saga continues....Napa minus 29 days!

Well, it's been quite a week! Sunday's run was changed around because Jeff got sick. I ran with Denise and Connie - and did we run! 21.5 miles in 3.5 hours. Small break for me to fall over onto my face, tripped over.....nothing. Typical!! nice little gash in my chin, I'm calling it my latest training scar. Swim on Monday was easy, as was a little trot on Tuesday. Wednesday's bike was COLD - 33 degrees when I went out. Did Willow Springs, with some big hills, on my own....31.5 miles.....and I don't think that the frostbite damage is permanent! Friday's run was my fastest yet, 6.5 miles at 8.5 minutes each - and very cold hands!

4 weeks and a day until the marathon. Today I'll bike 62 with Cass, Don and Jeff (after baseball tryouts for Z AND a water polo tournament for T!) Sunday we'll try to do 2.75 hours running in the hills, but we have the same WP tournament AND the all-important Super Bowl commercials to time around!

The Ironman stuff feels a bit on the back burner right now....until I get through Napa on 3/1. Then I'll need to focus much more on the bike, and the let the run take care of itself a couple of days a week. That'll be a change, I'm really enjoying the running. Who'd have thunk it?!?

Last day in January, looks like I'll hit my 'double-ironman training goal' if I don't take myself out on the bike before 25 miles. Piece of cake, right?!?

Stay tuned.......

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