Monday, January 19, 2009

Speed Bump.......

Okay, I need to whine for a bit. Y'all read about my fight with the garbage truck that was won by the truck. Nasty bruise on my right knee, but definately survivable. This weekend was a huge time-suck because my kids had a championship swim meet that I needed to work at. So, my big plan was to ride my bike there, about 18 miles, on Sunday morning. Problem was, I didn't have a light, and I needed to be on the pool deck by 7am, and it's still dark. Oh, and it was 36 outside, which is very cold for us Californians.

Caution to the wind! I'll be careful, not many cars will be out, how cold can it really be - I'll just bike faster! After all, I want to be an Ironman, and this is just a speed bump, right?
Fast forward to Sunday morning. It's DARK. Dark enough that not only am I sure noone can see me, but I can't see much of the dang road anyway. Where are all of the street lights?!? I'm warming up, hands and toes are frozen, but the rest of me is okay. 9 miles into it, more than halfway I figure, clunk. FLAT TIRE. CHAIN IS OFF. I'm down on the side of the road because I didn't clip out fast enough. Right knee again. It's still dark, and I need to be on the pool deck in 30 minutes. Not only do I not have the equipment to change the tire, I don't know HOW. Egads. Call hubby, he grabs boys (who don't have to be at pool until 8) and they come get me. 35 minutes shorts, numb AND shivering, I get to the pool. Chai waiting! Thanks, Mike! Get some razzing, and some admiration for my attempt, but I'm bummed....not nearly enough bike time for my training log!

Noon, I'm walking around the time trailer, and smack my leg on the hitch. I now have a bump the size of a egg just below my sore knee, and it's dripping blood. I truly can't believe this. I wrap it in a paper towel, put ice and and an ace on it, and finish the meet. REALLY wish someone had a syringe with morphine in it, or at least a margarita! What's with this no alcohol policy that USA Swimming has?!?!

My boys swam great......all best times!

Today was supposed to be my 2.5 hour run in the hills, and I'm elevating and icing. Whole stupid leg hurts. Oh, and feeling sorry for myself, let's not forget that!

Tomorrow has to be better, right?!?!

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