Saturday, January 31, 2009

The saga continues....Napa minus 29 days!

Well, it's been quite a week! Sunday's run was changed around because Jeff got sick. I ran with Denise and Connie - and did we run! 21.5 miles in 3.5 hours. Small break for me to fall over onto my face, tripped over.....nothing. Typical!! nice little gash in my chin, I'm calling it my latest training scar. Swim on Monday was easy, as was a little trot on Tuesday. Wednesday's bike was COLD - 33 degrees when I went out. Did Willow Springs, with some big hills, on my own....31.5 miles.....and I don't think that the frostbite damage is permanent! Friday's run was my fastest yet, 6.5 miles at 8.5 minutes each - and very cold hands!

4 weeks and a day until the marathon. Today I'll bike 62 with Cass, Don and Jeff (after baseball tryouts for Z AND a water polo tournament for T!) Sunday we'll try to do 2.75 hours running in the hills, but we have the same WP tournament AND the all-important Super Bowl commercials to time around!

The Ironman stuff feels a bit on the back burner right now....until I get through Napa on 3/1. Then I'll need to focus much more on the bike, and the let the run take care of itself a couple of days a week. That'll be a change, I'm really enjoying the running. Who'd have thunk it?!?

Last day in January, looks like I'll hit my 'double-ironman training goal' if I don't take myself out on the bike before 25 miles. Piece of cake, right?!?

Stay tuned.......

Sunday, January 25, 2009

weekend training

Okay, getting to the point where I can deal with the &*%ugle bruise on most of my right leg. Still swollen enough that the tight jeans don't do it!

Weekend plans include what I hope will be either hilly or long on the bike, we'll see. My friend Cass is guiding this one - pray for me, the woman is an energizer bunny!!! Sunday, 20 miles of running, with a starbucks break at 10 miles. Not sure how I feel about that one, but these are the ladies that I'm doing the Mary with, and Coach Kevorkian is sick. We'll give it a go! Monday, long swim and then long massage - Christmas present redeemed at hoity-toity spa! Yea!

Everyone have a great one, no matter your plans. After Sunday's run, I'll look to you all for pacing advice for my Mary....5 weeks and one day out!!

Well, update...we did hilly on the bikes.....and it was hilly! All of Hicks, into Kenenedy and Shannon back......woohoo. Almost 4000 feet of climbing! Hard, and a bit of rain, but a great sense of accomplishment! That is, until I got a flat. My friend and I were like Abbot and the rain and mud! CO2 container didn't work, used the pump, couldn't get a great seal - after we couldn't get the tire off the rim for 10 minutes! Cass has done this multiple times, so I've no clue what happened. Had a real tough time getting all of the mud out of my shoes so I could clip in.....I'm sure it was fun to watch! Rode 3 more miles to the coffee place, sat down and warmed up. Came out to ......another flat. Same tire. Great. However, the good news is that there's a bike store next door to the coffee shop. Apparently my first flat last week had exposed a bit of the metal cabling on the tire, and that's what caused today's flat.....twice. So 2 new tubes and a new tire we went. $50 bike ride!

Today's the long run. Hoping for no equipment OR body-part failures!

My goal for January was to train a double Ironman - 8400 yards in the pool, 224 miles on the bike, ans 53 miles running. I'll keep you closer and month end draws near. Hint, the problem could be all of the %^&* flat tires!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Speed Bump.......

Okay, I need to whine for a bit. Y'all read about my fight with the garbage truck that was won by the truck. Nasty bruise on my right knee, but definately survivable. This weekend was a huge time-suck because my kids had a championship swim meet that I needed to work at. So, my big plan was to ride my bike there, about 18 miles, on Sunday morning. Problem was, I didn't have a light, and I needed to be on the pool deck by 7am, and it's still dark. Oh, and it was 36 outside, which is very cold for us Californians.

Caution to the wind! I'll be careful, not many cars will be out, how cold can it really be - I'll just bike faster! After all, I want to be an Ironman, and this is just a speed bump, right?
Fast forward to Sunday morning. It's DARK. Dark enough that not only am I sure noone can see me, but I can't see much of the dang road anyway. Where are all of the street lights?!? I'm warming up, hands and toes are frozen, but the rest of me is okay. 9 miles into it, more than halfway I figure, clunk. FLAT TIRE. CHAIN IS OFF. I'm down on the side of the road because I didn't clip out fast enough. Right knee again. It's still dark, and I need to be on the pool deck in 30 minutes. Not only do I not have the equipment to change the tire, I don't know HOW. Egads. Call hubby, he grabs boys (who don't have to be at pool until 8) and they come get me. 35 minutes shorts, numb AND shivering, I get to the pool. Chai waiting! Thanks, Mike! Get some razzing, and some admiration for my attempt, but I'm bummed....not nearly enough bike time for my training log!

Noon, I'm walking around the time trailer, and smack my leg on the hitch. I now have a bump the size of a egg just below my sore knee, and it's dripping blood. I truly can't believe this. I wrap it in a paper towel, put ice and and an ace on it, and finish the meet. REALLY wish someone had a syringe with morphine in it, or at least a margarita! What's with this no alcohol policy that USA Swimming has?!?!

My boys swam great......all best times!

Today was supposed to be my 2.5 hour run in the hills, and I'm elevating and icing. Whole stupid leg hurts. Oh, and feeling sorry for myself, let's not forget that!

Tomorrow has to be better, right?!?!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back to the blog thing. Training has been going relatively well. Napa is in 7 weeks, and that's starting to concern me! The longest run I've done so far is 15 miles, and that was several weeks ago. It's a bit of a struggle to find the time to train in all 3 sports, while I'm feeling like I should be focusing on the run right now. Next up is getting pedals for the bike, and learning how to clip in and out without falling on my butt - or face! I've been pretty consistent with riding the Bailey loop (21 miles), and getting faster each time. On New Year's Day I rode it solo, fueled by pepsi and mimosa! Probably not the best training nutrition, but I blew the doors off my best time! I did a couple of doubles this week, a run/swim on Monday and then a bike/swim on Friday. I'm going to have to do more of that as the kids' schedules heat up, Mommy has to come before Triathlete! Gotta admit, though, it was very hard to go to the official's clinic yesterday when I wanted to be riding my bike in the beautiful sunshine.

I'd really like to enter a bunch more races between now and Ironman Moo, (did I ever mention how slightly competitive I am?!? Or how much I really MISS racing of any kind?!?) but they aren't cheap - time and money-wise, so I'll just keep racing myself for's only a bummer on the days I fail to beat me!

Coach Kevorkian (Jeff doesn't seem to realize how little life insurance he has on me!) has me doing a 2 hour run today. In the hills. For anyone that's into planning (slightly) ahead, I'd like white roses, pink tulips and astrolmeria at my funeral, and please sing Amazing Grace and On Eagle's Wings. Beth can do the singing. Bury me on a hill that's higher than I can bike or would be good to make it!

Keep thinking good thoughts and prayers...they are helping!