Sunday, January 25, 2009

weekend training

Okay, getting to the point where I can deal with the &*%ugle bruise on most of my right leg. Still swollen enough that the tight jeans don't do it!

Weekend plans include what I hope will be either hilly or long on the bike, we'll see. My friend Cass is guiding this one - pray for me, the woman is an energizer bunny!!! Sunday, 20 miles of running, with a starbucks break at 10 miles. Not sure how I feel about that one, but these are the ladies that I'm doing the Mary with, and Coach Kevorkian is sick. We'll give it a go! Monday, long swim and then long massage - Christmas present redeemed at hoity-toity spa! Yea!

Everyone have a great one, no matter your plans. After Sunday's run, I'll look to you all for pacing advice for my Mary....5 weeks and one day out!!

Well, update...we did hilly on the bikes.....and it was hilly! All of Hicks, into Kenenedy and Shannon back......woohoo. Almost 4000 feet of climbing! Hard, and a bit of rain, but a great sense of accomplishment! That is, until I got a flat. My friend and I were like Abbot and the rain and mud! CO2 container didn't work, used the pump, couldn't get a great seal - after we couldn't get the tire off the rim for 10 minutes! Cass has done this multiple times, so I've no clue what happened. Had a real tough time getting all of the mud out of my shoes so I could clip in.....I'm sure it was fun to watch! Rode 3 more miles to the coffee place, sat down and warmed up. Came out to ......another flat. Same tire. Great. However, the good news is that there's a bike store next door to the coffee shop. Apparently my first flat last week had exposed a bit of the metal cabling on the tire, and that's what caused today's flat.....twice. So 2 new tubes and a new tire we went. $50 bike ride!

Today's the long run. Hoping for no equipment OR body-part failures!

My goal for January was to train a double Ironman - 8400 yards in the pool, 224 miles on the bike, ans 53 miles running. I'll keep you closer and month end draws near. Hint, the problem could be all of the %^&* flat tires!!!


jimmynac said...

Instead of taking a break at Starbucks at ten miles, meet us at un-wind at five miles and we'll buy the first round, or two!
Good Luck,
Jim & Janet

MikePi said...

Good job Linda. Thanks for telling me about your blog.

The mud on your shoe story made me laugh. In doing the Cool Canyon Crawl one year it had been really rainy. There were mud puddles everywhere on the trail. You would try to run around them, but sometimes you couldn't because of their size and location and you just ran through them. I was running along and got to a big puddle that covered the trail and decided to just run through it thinking it couldn't be very deep. It sucked the shoe right off my foot. While jumping around on one foot a turned around to see where my shoe was and watched in horror as mud flowed into my shoe sitting there in the mud puddle. I retrieved the shoe and had to sit on a rock to scope out the mud with my hand so I could put the shoe back on. I had to sacrifice some of my drining water to wash my hands.

Remember, push water. It will save your quads.

Nathan said...

So, what will your inspiration be when you start the marathon portion of your ironman? Might I suggest Hugh Jackman wearing nothing but a pair of blue jeans!
