Monday, October 6, 2008

Where it all began

On September 4, 2008, I decided that I needed to make some rather large changes in my life. I've been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in early 2006, and it's not improving much with time or meds. So I decided to do a 180.....get off the couch, and start training for SOMETHING. Since Jeff just finished his first Ironman Canada a few weeks earlier, this seemed logical.....I could enter Ironman Wisconsin with him! I could be competing again, I would get to spend more time with Jeff (tough with 3 kids and his fulltime+ job), and maybe this would work where rest and meds were not! Win, win, win. I hope!!! I'm going to share my journey here - and would love to hear any comments, although I prefer the nice ones!


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