Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tomorrow's the Day!

I'm hearing from my fan club that they (okay, just Judy, but she's persistent!!) are not getting frequent enough posts. I'm working on it! I think I need to temporarily lose a kid or 2 - they take up way to much time out of my training and blogging! BIG thanks to Naida for doing just that this weekend, so we don't have to ruin their busy teenage lives by making them watch us compete for a change!

Well, first major goal day is tomorrow....MARATHON.....what the hell was I thinking?!? 26.2 miles???

To say that I have the jitters would be an understatement.....and the weather report isn't helping. Looks like 50 degrees, rain and wind....hunky-dory. Not even sure what to wear, but at least obsessing about that is keeping my mind off the 26.2 miles ahead of me. It'll be fun. It's in Napa, about 2 hours from here, so I get an overnight with hubby and friends, and wine tasting afterwards.....yeah! See, I can keep my mind off the 26.2 miles, easy!!

Did I mention rain and wind? Did I mention that I don't own a rain jacket that's not a knee length parka?!?

I'm going to keep reminding myself that I have been training for this...including running in the rain with the whole 'drowned rat look' down. Drowned rat masquerading as a sausage...I had so many layers on it was hard to tell it was me stuffed into a non-waterproof windbreaker.....and I was drenched anyway. It was a race to see what would drench the middle layer first - rain from the outside, sweat (sorry, Mom, I know it's referred to as 'glow' from a lady, but it smells suspiciously like sweat) from the inside. EWWW. Not even going to call it.

Note to self: Buy waterproof mascara on the way out of town!!

February's total training hours and distances:

Bike: 16h 01m 39s - 242.58 Mi
Run: 11h 50m 22s - 71.05 Mi
Swim: 5h 58m - 17800 Yd

Think of the miles that I could log if I had no husband, kids or blog needing my time and attention!

Well, husband stays.....he's running this, too....and he'll be at the finish line (probably showered, fed and napped) when I cross it an hour (or so!) later. Hopefully waiting with my wine, this is NAPA!! My fan! He's also my emergency contact, I'd better remind him to carry his cell phone. Odds are good......

So, loyal fans, and persistent fans (Judy), think good thoughts.....especially around 11:00 am PST - I'll hopefully only have 3 (or less!) more miles to go, and I'll be soaking up all of the support (with the other-mentioned moisture) that I can get.

At some point on Sunday afternoon or Monday, you can go to this link and see how we both did - be kind with your comments!!

Final's 28 weeks and one day until I do this again....after I've swam 2.4 miles and biked 112 miles. Mom's right. Reading novels is a much easier hobby!!

If I meet my goals, Mom, this one's for you. If I don't, next one's for you, and I'll train harder. Love you!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2 weeks to go....

Less than two weeks to go 'til Napa, and the butterflies have taken up residency in my belly. Who's idea was this, anyway, DENISE?!?

Not too worried about finishing. Barring any injuries, accidents, acts of God, I should be fine, and crossing the finish line with a time of 4:30, I hope. Need to be in line for lunch!!! However, come to think of it, it's really not safe for me to assume the barring of the above-related contingencies given my history!

I'm on a tear, haven't missed a workout day in over a month - if you count skiing, and with my friends leading the way down and over the mountain, I do!

So, the next 10 days are a taper.....what I've been waiting for/dreaming of on a daily basis since this exciting period in my life began! Question is, what is a taper. Me, I was thinking daily ice cream (dulce de leche from Haagen Daz) and leisurely walks up and down the street. Jeff's muttering something about high intensity, just a bit shorter. I'm taking a poll. Let me know who's definition you think is more accurate, and I will share a good bottle of wine that I've hidden away with all those who vote for my kinda taper!!

Keep fast, healthy thoughts in your head...for Jeff, too! His goal is his secret, but I'm sure it involves crushing me mercilessly, then meeting me at the finish line (probably showered, dressed, fed and rested!) with a bottle of champagne (hint, hint!)